Shopify Storefront API + Vue + Apollo
March 02, 2020
For my last project, I built out a complete product listing page (PLP) equipped with advanced filtering using the Shopify Storefront API, Vue.js, and…
Tailwind and CSS-in-JS with Linaria
November 25, 2019
Working with Gatsby, I've revisited my CSS preferences and thought about ways I could potentially improve my setup. Of course, Tailwind would stay at…
A Year with Tailwind CSS
November 25, 2019
I've been using Tailwind CSS for about a year now and I've been in love. It's really ruined writing CSS in any other way for me (looking at you BEM…
Thoughts on GatsbyJS
November 25, 2019
I've been eyeing Gatsby for a while now and finally used it for the first time. As far as static site generators go, this one is on steroids. It's…
Why I Rebuilt my Blog with Gatsby
November 24, 2019
This past weekend, I decided to rebuild my Jekyll blog with Gatsby. So what was the point of this? First off, if you don't know what Gatsby is, it's a…
Responsive Images and Lazysizes
September 21, 2018
Compared to HTML, stylesheets, and scripts, images make up the bulk of what is downloaded by a user on a typical web page. Therefore, there is no…
Open Graph Tags for Products
September 05, 2018
Sharing products and content on social media can be an essential part of an ecommerce marketing strategy. When sharing a link of a product, we want to…
Intro to CSS Grid
August 28, 2018
CSS Grid is the addition to CSS that we've been waiting years for. No more tables, float hacks, or Flexbox frameworks.. we now have an easy, intuitive…
Shopify Development with Slate v1
August 14, 2018
Slate is a new Shopify workflow toolkit that is currently in beta (v1) that is designed to improve the theme development experience. Slate uses a host…
Enhanced Google Search with Structured Data
August 10, 2018
When Google indexes a page, it often has trouble understanding the page's context and bits and pieces of specific data. By adding structured data to…
Atomic CSS: A Better Approach
August 02, 2018
CSS is notoriously hard to maintain. Projects that start out with good intentions almost always go to hell. I believe this happens for two main…
Optimizing Front-end Performance
June 26, 2018
As a front-end web developer, my goal is to focus on the user experience and an essential part of a good experience is performance. It’s especially…
Node.js and Express for Small Apps
March 22, 2018
In my free time, I’ve been diving into the world of Node.js and I’ve been loving it. I feel right at home with the npm ecosystem and using Express…
Enhancing Static Sites
March 05, 2018
Static site generators like Jekyll are amazing for producing fast, content-based sites, but what if more functionality is needed? That’s where these…
Web Development Blogs, Podcasts, and More
January 18, 2018
Here is a list of my favorite blogs, podcasts, books, YouTube channels, and videos. Blogs Brad Frost Jeffrey Zeldman Chris Coyier Rachel Andrew A List…
Shopify's 100 Variant Limit
September 25, 2017
A big problem I ran into on my last Shopify project was figuring out how to work around the 100 variant limit. I was building an ecommerce store for…
My Top 10 Apps for Mac
July 12, 2017
1. Alfred Alfred is by far my favorite app on my Macbook. It is extremely powerful, but even just using it for its basic functions greatly improves my…
List of Helpful Resources
June 06, 2017
Here is a list of resources I consistently use for design, stock images, development, productivity, and marketing. Design Theme Forest: Website…